July 1, 2024
Hey everyone!

Hello, dear readers!

I’m Morgan Sterling, a passionate author who loves weaving tales of romance, sci-fi, and fantasy. You might know me from my 'Nerdy Love Affair' series, which includes 'Stellar Harmony' and ('Binary Bond.' Opps... did I just let the title of book two slip?) But if not, here's your chance to get acquainted!

I’m an African American writer with a flair for bringing diverse characters and unique stories to life. My journey into writing started with a deep love for the stars and a curiosity about the human heart. I believe in creating worlds where love, science, and fantasy intertwine in the most unexpected ways.

In 'Stellar Harmony,' you’ll meet Langston, an astrophysics professor who’s also a proud blerd (black nerd). His adventures are filled with humor, heart, and a touch of the extraordinary. Writing his story was a blast, and I can’t wait for you to discover all the fun and excitement within the pages.

When I'm not writing, you'll find me exploring new sci-fi ideas, enjoying a good romance novel, or sharing a laugh with friends. I’m also on Facebook, where I love connecting with readers and sharing snippets of my writing journey.

This blog and newsletter are ways for us to stay connected, and I’m excited to share more about my books, my characters, and the quirky moments that make the writing process so enjoyable. So, buckle up and join me on this literary adventure!

Stay tuned for updates, behind-the-scenes peeks, and perhaps even a sneak peek at my next book. Let’s explore the cosmos of creativity together!

Happy reading!
