July 13, 2024
Free chapters released and Morgan is listening to Will Smith

It’s the weekend–woot, woot! What are your plans for the weekend? I’m watching Classic Doctor Who and working on editing and the audiobook (Exciting! Keep reading, it’s for you!). I’ve also been listening to Summertime by Will Smith a bit, so I’ll be headed to a car show Sunday night. I mean, it was the end of his perfect summer day, why not mine? That’s more than enough. 

Now, let’s get to the biggest news–the giveaway of my audiobook, Golden Melodies! The prologue through Chapter 3 is now available exclusively for my subscribers! The link is at the bottom.

Feel free to subscribe to the channel if you want more chapters as they drop, or wait until my next email to get access to a few at a time. This exclusive is only available to my newsletter subscribers. Neither print, electronic, nor audio versions will be available to anyone else until well after I serialize the entire thing for my subscribers first.

In the upcoming emails, I’ll provide more chapters and share a bit about the book's inspiration and my writing process.

:: kisses, hugs, and back rubs:: 




Where is the link??

Please subscribe to my newsletter. The link was included in the email. When you subscribe for free, you will immediately receive a link to access all the chapters for the current book giveaway.